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TAXI Project

TAXI Project

Informed Turbulence and Accelerated Architectures for Immerflow

happy holidays

Happy Holidays!🎄

OPTIMAD will be closed from December 23rd until January 9th.

EuroCC Italy

EuroCC Italy – Where Industry Meets HPC

OPTIMAD is pleased to announce that it will participate in the EuroCC Italy - Where Industry Meets HPC

38th International CAE Conference

The 38th International CAE Conference

OPTIMAD is pleased to announce that it will participate in the 38th International CAE Conference

Project ALWAYS world-changing ideas

Project with ALWAYS world-changing ideas

In this number of the newsletter of Il Sole 24 Ore, is described the industrial synergy between OPTIMAD and ESTECO

3rd European Workshop on MDO

3rd European Workshop on MDO

The 3rd European Workshop MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics - Towards Greener Aviation from 20 to 21 September 2022


23rd Annual CFD Symposium, 2022

The 23rd Annual CFD Symposium 2022 is organized by CFD Division, Aeronautical Society of India, Bangalore, from 11 to 12 August 2022.

new web site

Our new web site!

We are very happy to show you our new web site, with a new look and lots of rich content.